TPCP – 163

Thank you to raw provider: angelstars5

Suddenly, one side of the wall opened, and masked men rushed in.


They shouted. A flashing sword reached Lucerne. He drew a blade from his waist.


“… … .”


Lucerne muttered twice. Elisha knew that he was looking for the shadow, the guardian and beast he was proud of. But nothing happened.

He had his powers sealed off somehow. He didn’t know where or what went wrong. Lucerne turned his head and shot a look at Elisha. She stepped back with quivering eyes.

She had to tell him it wasn’t a trap she had made. She had to say she knew nothing.

But… … . It wouldn’t mean anything or make any sense.

Lucerne came here at her invitation. She should have known it was going to be like this.

In an instant, the situation was settled. Lucerne rubbed the tip of his sword against the silk wallpaper. Blood was dripping from his blade.

It was the first time she had seen someone dead since she saw her father’s body long ago.

“Huh. Hee… … . ugh… … .”

Elisha covered her mouth and crouched in the corner of the wall. It wasn’t just Lucerne’s sword that was bloody.

The cheap fake rug carpet with colorful patterns on the floor and an old round table. And faux silk wallpaper. All were smeared with thick, hot-smelling blood.

And the courtesans who pretended to be fake ladies. These are all Jacob and Carola people.

Everyone in this building was dead.

Lucerne staggered and stumbled a little and approached Elisha.

‘I am going to die.’

Elisha clenched her teeth. Tears flowed from her eyes. Lucerne tilted his head slightly. It was like a beast that finally realized its prey was there.

“General! Are you okay?”

Then someone called Lucerne from behind. Through the crack in the open door, Elisha recollected the knight’s name. It was the knight called Ian.

“Close the door. There is still one left.”

Ian’s eyes lit up with a curious light. But he soon closed the door. There was a dark bang. Elisha was pale, and her lower lip trembled. Lucerne approached slowly.

It was a locked room with no windows. But she could see his face clearly in the light.

It was the ferocity and dark lust Elisha had first glimpsed of his. Then, with a dawning of disbelief, she realized he was excited and erect.

“Why are you shaking after provoking me, huh?”

Lucerne asked affectionately.

“Now you’re the only one and we just need to sort things out.”

“Spare me, spare me… … . please. Please… … .”

Lucerne’s blade touched the back of Elisha’s neck. Blood began to ooze from the edge. Thick hail-like tears fell from her eyes. The knife moved a little further. The nape of her neck stung and tingled… … .

Only then did she finally look up into his eyes.

Lucerne looked confused. Elisha felt his lust grow bigger. She really could only express it that way.

‘Why is he…to me… … . In this situation… … . this guy… … .’

She honestly wasn’t comprehending what was happening. But somehow, a corner of her head wondered at the same time whether she would die first, be attacked first, or both… … .


Nothing happened. 

He removed the blade. Lucerne stared at her for a long time and leaned down.

Elisha couldn’t believe what happened the next moment, neither now nor back then. He kissed Elisha wildly with a frightful intensity. When he fell apart, he was biting her lower lip. Blood flowed from the lips.

“Heh, heh… … .”

Elisha was gasping, hardly breathing. It was a terribly sharp first kiss.

“Think that you survived today by selling your little plump tongue.”

“… … .”

“If you think of it as the price of your life, it’s not a waste that it was sucked, is it?”

Lucerne tapped Elisha’s cheek with a bloodied finger.

“I’ll really cut you next time. You just… … .”

“… … .”

“I think it’s better to disappear from my sight.”

He whispered in a very affectionate tone. Elisha felt like someone was threshing her heart with a rod. It hurt that much.

“What are you saying?”

“… … .”

“Actually, this won’t happen next time,”

Lucerne declared. His eyes were terribly indifferent. It was the way others looked at Elisha. She may be present, but it was the expression of seeing a non-existent existence.

Yes. It was a gaze that only Elisha, who lived as a ghost, could gain.

“The next time you see me, run away, very far away. Because I don’t think I can indulge you any more,”

Lucerne stated.

Bang. The door shut.

It’s not my fault. I didn’t do anything.

My fault is ….just….. that I’m weak. It’s just that I didn’t have the strength to stop Carola.

You shouldn’t have come here. You shouldn’t have looked at me. Why are you torturing me? Why do you despise and hate me? It’s not my fault.

A lot of thoughts flooded her head. But none of it meant anything. Who cares about her chagrin? Her cry of injustice? Even if someone looked closely at Elisha, they would find nothing but horrible ugliness in her. That was her.

She couldn’t even apologize to him anymore. It just ended with that. Elisha felt deep despair. Her terrible past, which pressed on her shoulders, tormented her as if it had just happened.

Elisha had nightmares of that day, and apologized to him every night. But he would never pay attention to her again. He wouldn’t even remember Elisha soon.


9 thoughts on “TPCP – 163

  1. Their destinies seems to have been tightly entwined even in the last life…🤔
    I seem to remember that Elisha seemed to have memory loss about her last life. I wonder if wep’re reading these flashback as she remebers them

    1. You’re right; there have been hints that Elisha has some memory loss. It seems like she isn’t able to fully remember her early childhood. Even last chapter, we see in her first life that she could barely recall the name Pian belonged to someone she’d met long before. Now, in her second life, she didn’t relive her childhood so those memories are probably even further away for her.
      However, I think it’s just memories from her youth that are eluding her. Elisha did make a comment that the names at the end of the letter are ones she “couldn’t forget” as they seem to have become as much of a trigger for her now as they were for Lucerne.
      I think in this case though, rather than just now recalling these memories, it’s that the trauma from them bubbled back up to the surface. She made that comment, when he looked furious after reading the letter, that “she thought Lucerne would turn away from her.” She could feel one of her largest regrets and most traumatic memories repeating itself: Lucerne would become enraged that she brought these words to him, even if she wasn’t the one who wrote them, and then he’d unleash a terrifying rage before turning his back on her forever.

  2. Lah kok gini? Sangat disayangkan sekali kalau endingnya salah paham antara elisa dan lucerne. Padahal setelah semua berlalu, saya berharap mrk jadi keluarga spt pada umumnya dan melengkapi ramalan muto, memiliki putra yg hebat. Entah kalau ternyata lucerne akhirnya menikahi putri illione dan memiliki putra dari putri tsb. Dan elisa? Jangan sampai terlalu tragis. Atau memang ploting awal adalah akhir elisa yg tragis.

  3. Aaaah I’m.sure Lucerne went to her rescue before her execution but, he was one step late 😢

    Thank you~ 🍒🌸

  4. Ugh, now that I think about it… Lucerne does this thing. He’s done it before, he did it when approaching her to get the letter, and he does it here in the flashback too. His face will be stoic or expressionless and his eyes will be cold while he whispers gently.
    I feel like the whispers have been described as, if you close your eyes, you’d think they sound terribly tender and affectionate. But he somehow manages to do that without even smiling. He seems to do it when he’s somewhere between upset and coaxing? I think? It’s honestly hard to be sure what makes that guy tick.
    When I first read it I thought the imagery was so unsettling. Now, especially, seeing other places he’s done it, it’s scary! Imagine this dude slowly approaching you in the dark with no expression and his cold eyes fixed on like he’s ready to catch you if you look like you’ll run. Meanwhile, his whispered words as he approaches sound so affectionate… It’s almost like he once heard someone sweetly coax another person and he’s mimicking it. Out of curiosity I tried whispering kindly and I find it really hard to do it without my lips curling up. There’s something so unnatural about that disconnect he does.

  5. Ugh, thinking about this a bit more, Lucerne does this thing. He’s done it before, he did it when approaching her to get the letter, and he does it here in the flashback too. His face will be stoic or expressionless and his eyes will be cold while he whispers gently.
    I feel like the whispers have been described as, if you close your eyes, you’d think they sound terribly tender and affectionate. But he somehow manages to do that without even smiling. He seems to do it when he’s somewhere between upset and coaxing? I think? It’s honestly hard to be sure what makes that guy tick.
    When I first read it I thought the imagery was so unsettling. Now, especially, seeing other places he’s done it, it’s scary! Imagine this dude slowly approaching you in the dark with no expression and his cold eyes fixed on like he’s ready to catch you if you look like you’ll run. Meanwhile, his whispered words as he approaches sound so affectionate… It’s almost like he once heard someone sweetly coax another person and he’s mimicking it. Out of curiosity I tried whispering kindly and I find it really hard to do it without my lips curling up. There’s something so unnatural about that disconnect he does.

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